Since 2004

Trying to blow bubbles while not extinguishing the flame.

Breathing/speaking I have chosen the act of breathing/speaking to explore as a care gesture. More specifically, an observation of my fear of responding to a person when they’re in a vulnerable state. It may not exactly be a care gesture, but, to me, this moment of response is an integral part of my listening in such situations. I fear my saying something unintended can spiral a person into deeper depressions and anxieties. It’s moments like these where I feel the heightened power of words, of listening, and of breathing. Where, what I intend to mean as positive, can get perceived highly distorted and magnified uncontrollably. Feeling the fragility of the space occupies a portion of my interactions.


I have chosen the act of breathing/speaking to explore as a care gesture. More specifically, an observation of my fear of responding to a person when they’re in a vulnerable state. It may not exactly be a care gesture, but, to me, this moment of response is an integral part of my listening in such situations. I fear my saying something unintended can spiral a person into deeper depressions and anxieties. It’s moments like these where I feel the heightened power of words, of listening, and of breathing. Where, what I intend to mean as positive, can get perceived highly distorted and magnified uncontrollably. Feeling the fragility of the space occupies a portion of my interactions.
